Institut national du service public

The École nationale d’administration was created by General de Gaulle in October 1945. Its founding principles are to widen access to the senior civil service and to offer training to senior civil servants.

The ENA's missions are:

  • Recruitment and training of French and foreign senior civil servants.
  • Lifelong learning and skill developpement for French and foreign civil servants, either for short or for long term sessions.
  • Bilateral and multilateral European and international relations in the field of public governance and administration
  • Training on European issues and preparation for the entrance exams to the European institutions

ENA has trained more than 6,500 senior French civil servants and nearly 3,650 foreigners. More than a hundred nationalities come together every year, and about 1,300 people from all over the world have taken part in study visits.

ENA is a partner of PSL Université.


Logo Institut national du service public

École nationale d'administration
1 rue Sainte-Marguerite
67080 Strasbourg


03 88 21 44 44