The challenges behind editing an autograph manuscript

Premier folio (1r) du ms. Paris, BnF, fr. 210, une copie du "Livre des Problemes" d’Evrart de Conty

Invited by the École des chartes on the proposal of Frédéric Duval, professor of Romanesque Philology, Michèle Goyens, professor of French linguistics at the University of Leuven, will give a lectureabout "L'édition de texte au service de la traductologie : le cas de l'autographe des Problemes d'Evrart de Conty".

The ms. Paris, BNF, fr. 24281-24282 is recognized as an autograph manuscript by Évrart de Conty, "physician" of King Charles V the Wise, and it contains his translation-commentary of Aristotle's Problems. Composed around 1282 from the Latin translation of the pseudo-Aristotelian Problemata by Barthélémy de Messine and the commentary on this text by Pietro d'Abano, this translation only caught the attention of specialists lately. The first volume is being edited by a team led by Françoise Guichard-Tesson and Michèle Goyens and is nearing completion. The edition of such an autograph sets specific requirements, and must at the same time allow to see the work of the author-translator-commentator. Thus, the author's corrections are particularly interesting: they reveal their hesitations about their discursive strategies, their lexical choices or simply their language correction.
12 February 2019
Culture - Conférence
École nationale des chartes - PSL
Ecole nationale des chartes 65, rue de Richelieu, Paris 2ᵉ (salle Delisle)
2019-02-12 19:00 2019-02-12 21:00 Europe/Paris The challenges behind editing an autograph manuscript Ecole nationale des chartes 65, rue de Richelieu, Paris 2ᵉ (salle Delisle)