
Call for proposals: pre-maturation projects


Proof of concept, maturation, business creation, transfer of research results to the socio-economic world, all disciplines, from hard sciences to humanities and social sciences, including arts and design... PSL-Valorisation (technology transfer service) and Q-Life, labeled “Institut Convergences”, are launching a call for innovative proposals.

Etudiante en TP optique à l'ESPCI Paris, PSL

PSL Valorisation and the Institut Convergences Q-Life join forces to support innovative projects with high socio-economic potential. Any kind of project – creating a start-up or other form of transfer to the socio-economic world - may apply. Provided the leader belongs to one or more PSL research teams, all disciplines and application areas combined.

This call will be supported by the Fonds National de Valorisation (CGI) and the ERDF Ile-de-France, and will support up to 10 projects:

  • 3 projects in the field of quantitative biology, oriented towards the creation of start-ups or partnerships with existing start-ups supported by Q-life
  • 4 MATIS@PSL projects: Projects oriented towards the creation of start-ups or partnerships with existing start-ups, in all fields and disciplines, supported by the ERDF funds of the Ile-de-France region, via the PSL Transfert Entreprises
  • 3 projects that can lead to any form of transfer to the socio-economic world, in all fields and disciplines

One of these projects (at least) will be dedicated to the promotion of research and expertise in the humanities and social sciences, arts or design.

Each selected project will receive, for a maximum duration of 18 months, financing up to 70K € to cover expenses for staff, equipment, operations and external services.
This funding will be used to facilitate the transfer of knowledge, results or inventions from the research teams involved, to promote economic and / or societal impact. In particular, it will provide proof of concept, technical, economic or legal studies, or strengthen the project team.

Selection process

The projects will be subject to prior expertise by 2 specialists in the field concerned, then will be evaluated by the selection committee which will take into account 4 main criteria:

    Innovative character and added value compared to the state of the art
    Scientific and technological quality (if applicable)
    Socio-economic impact, transfer potential, identified markets
    Technical and economic feasibility (resources, calendar, environment, partnerships)

The entire selection will be supervised by the PSL-Valorisation team in connection with the steering committee of the Institut Convergences Q-Life.

Provisional calendar:

    11/23/2017: Publication of the call for proposals, opening of applications
    12/07/2017: Briefing on call for proposals
    01/31/2018: Closing of the call for proposals.
    February-March 2018: projects will be assessed

Selected projects are to start from April 1st 2018

The files are to be submitted by email to PSL-Valorisation, in the form of a file in Word and PDF format using the template provided.

Do not hesitate to contact the Valorisation (technology transfer) service of your school / institute or with PSL-Valorisation for any information.

This project benefits from ERDF funding from the Ile-de-France region and from state aid managed by the National Research Agency under the Investment for the Future (PIA) program, reference number ANR-17-SATE-0002.


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Vous avez des questions sur cet appel à projets ?

Une réunion d’informations destinée à l'ensemble des chercheurs et chargés de valorisation de la recherche intéressés par cet appel, se tiendra le 7 décembre à 14h30 dans l'amphithéâtre « Chaudron » à Chimie ParisTech, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie.
Merci de vous inscrire sur ce lien si vous souhaitez y participer.