
The winners of the PSL I ADELI Artificial Intelligence, Data Sciences and Interfaces dissertation prize


The jury of the PSL I ADELI dissertation prize awarded one prize and two honorable mentions to outstanding works in Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences. The awards will be presented at an official ceremony at the ENS - PSL on December 6, 2019.

Chercheur devant son ordinateur

Created in partnership with the ADELI association, the dissertation prize aims to reward and promote the best dissertation work of young PSL researchers in the disciplines of Artificial Intelligence, Data Sciences, as well as their applications to the Human and Social Sciences, and Experimental Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc.). The jury selected a winner and awarded two honorable mentions.

The winners of the PSL I ADELI Artificial Intelligence, Data Sciences and Interfaces dissertation Prize

First prize: €1500

Honorable mentions: €500

 « Le monde universitaire est idéalement placé pour former les étudiants à l’Intelligence artificielle »